Street-front & garden patios - and the main room. Been pretty jammed some nights - we're just hopping in the kitchen . . . but it's great to look out and see people having a good time enjoying the food. And the weather's been so fine for out-of-doors service.

Early in July Pat Butler & friends presented their second
'Not An Octogon' art show, themed 'This Place'.
Some excellent Canadian art.
We served up some tasty nibbles - little ribs with different sauces, tenderloin sliders and shrimp - among other good things.
Here are a few pics . . .

The Beaches Jazz Festival was madness and mayhem - a really good time.
The dining room and front patio are such good vantage points to take in the Street Festival action while relaxing over dinner and drinks.
We capped off the street fest with our own 3rd. annual "Damn! I'm Glad That's Over." party with DJ LEXX, as always, at the controls. Thanks to all for coming and making it a good time.

What else? . . . we had a couple of lovely weddings - they're fun - couple more coming up.
Hope to get the GameKeepers Roast together in September (or October) - we'll let you know.
And, of course, we have more new beers . . . so as well as the great tastes of Mill Street drafts - we now offer 'Flying Monkeys' Craft Brewed beers on tap. Delicious!

So, cheers 'til next time . . .
Dave & the crew