One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. —-Virginia Woolf



In The Scrum

I don't know why New Year's makes me think of rugby . . .
has to be the scrum!
. . . but I bet old Gallaher smells it too.

Looking forward to seeing you all for our New Years celebrations

Good Bye, 2009


Holiday Wishes

Hello all, hope everyone is set to have a great holiday

. . . Looking around for New Years Eve? We'd love to have you over.

Take a look at our New Year's Eve prix fixe. We'd love to see you on the 31st.
Call 416-699-2343 for reservations.
Cheers, David @ Balsam


'Which Day of Christmas is this, anyway?

'Hey, thanks everyone for coming to our 2nd annual BAD-SANTA Christmas party last Saturday. Pictures were taken and they may be published here at a later date . . . if they pass the censors.